Hint = "x, y scales; map units per texture tile" $0D " y is the direction along the edge away from the closest corner," $0D " x is the direction along the other edge at that corner, away from it"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
offset: =
Txt = "Offset"
Typ = "EQ"
Hint = "x, y offsets; floats map units" $0D " y is the direction along the edge away from the closest corner," $0D " x is the direction along the other edge at that corner, away from it"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
tilt: = {
Txt = "Tilt"
Typ = "EU"
Hint = "`tilt' angle, in degrees."
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
shear: = {
Txt = "Shear"
Typ = "EU"
Hint = "`shear' angle, in degrees." $0D " (angle between texture y-axis and perp to texture x-axis)"